
Wedding's Dream

This is a general talk,about wedding’s dream.
Yes, it is a fantasy of every bride to have her own wedding dream
From that white satin, to 3 tiers cake, to that dais with full of fresh flowers
Not to mention, an invitation with embossed letter on hard cover scented paper
And a centerpiece at each table that will simply take their breath away…
Please live in your own reality world
In this downturn economic, janganlah sampai nak berhutang keliling pinggang…
Please do not argue with everyone as they have their opinion too on your weds…
and please.. Do take consideration of - WHAT IF ?
Why do i said all this?
Simply to tell bride-to-be,
Sometimes, we are not as lucky as they are to be able making our dream wedding come true!
We can always make at least some of those dreams, do come true,
By applying this principles; (and proper plan of course)
1. It is only a wedding, NOT LIFE! So, please do consider real life after marriage.
2. Please do not compare yourself with celebrity ke, artist ke, anak datuk ke even with anybody. Sometimes their wedding too not as simple and beautiful as per published.
3. “Its my Wedding, Its my Money” will not make u happy in the end. Why?, haven’t u heard blessing = berkat ? You will be happy when you see everyone happy too! And, believe me, they will be happier for you…
4. Expensive is NOT BEAUTIFUL. Please bare in mind that,NOT EVERYTHING EXPENSIVE actually BEAUTIFUL. There are much choices out there you can find beautiful stuff at way lower price. So what if they are judging you? That is all you can afford! with your very own money!
5. Most important, is YOU and HIM with LOVE.
sedang kecewa dengan Arsenal…still hate Mencester! urgh!


Let's READ (a lot!)

The first book that i read regarding marriage is “Aku terima nikahnya” from Ustz Hasrizal Abdul Jamil aka Saifulislam. For those who know me, i hardly read Malay novel because it’s hard to find a quality book nowadays. This one is bought by my office mate, and i just fell in love with its front cover, i mean, look at this~
Seriously lovers, how can you resist this, blue+pink+purple front-cover?
Let me re-call..hurm, last time i checked, the price for this book is RM 20.90. Ustaz Hasrizal promotes “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus” too many times in his book and since i couldn’t get enough of “Aku terima nikahnya”, i read this..
The price at that moment was RM 34.90. I bought this book last year. Honestly, i love this a lot! Bulan also love this book. Actually, for me this is a must have book not only for those who wants to get married, but for those in a relationship itself. It makes me realize that men and women are from a totally different world. It gives me the opportunity to understand not only my partner but also myself as a woman. I couldn’t get enough of John Gray, so next week i want to get this..
Since i have been together with bulan for a year, i think this helps a lot more from “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus”. And by reading its review alone, i know that i can’t expect our marriage to always be in a honeymoon mode. I have to read this book before i got married, therefore i have a lot of time to prepare mentally. :) Please, read this women out there! The price is RM 43.90!
I know, some might say self help is boring. Even some people can’t even afford to read a whole book, like bulan. Even the most interesting book like Catch me if you can. But, this is so worth it, i promise! I read some interesting part from the book every now and then to bulan and he was psyched to know.
Ok fine! Call me a geek.. or a bookworm.. i really don’t give a damn about it.




Give me more loving than I’ve ever had
Make me feel better when I’m feeling sad
Tell me I’m special even though I know I’m not
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
Barely getting mad
I’m so glad I found you
I love being around you
You make it easy
Its as easy as 1-2-1-2-3-4
There’s only one thing
To Do
Three words
For you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say
Those three words
That’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
Give me more loving from the very start
Piece me back together when I fall apart
Tell me things you never even tell your closest friends
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
You’re the best that I’ve had
And I’m so glad I found you
I love being around you
You make it easy
It’s easy as 1-2-1-2-3-4
There’s only one thing
To Do
Three words
For you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say
Those three words
That’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
(I love you) I love you

I really, really do dear!


bila merajuk,

ia tak dapat ditafsir,

boleh kira
kadangkala menyampah
tiada rasa apa-apa

cuma kala ini,
yang negatif itu
melebihi yang positif

sila harap ini hormonal.

tapi tetap sayang!



Our Pre-marriage course certificate! After 2 ‘exciting+boring’ days, weee~~…
Let’s take a look some snap-shoots during the course taken by bulan. heheh.
oh dear, it was very thoughtful of you. =)
Gotcha! Tido ye! Caught red-handed. (oh! nooo~)
Ada gaya best student, tak? hahhaha…
They say patient is a virtue. LOL.
Pictures taken in 25th-26th Jul 09.


Tunangan Orang

aku secara rasminya telah bertunang. korang memang kena tengok muka control malu+blushing+gatal bulan masa kat rumah aku. kiyyuttt. jari aku dah ada cincin! HAHAHAHA.
lepas jadi tunang orang, aku rasa aku penyabar sikit kot. sebab aku malas nak bergaduh benda-benda remeh. buat sakit kepala otak je. orang kata, tunang ni darah manis. banyak dugaan. aku pun tak tahu darah manis ni macam mana orang cakapkan. apa maksud dia? nyamuk suka? semut suka? XD serius aku tak tau. banyak dugaan? oh, minta dijauhkan.aku dah letih nak bergaduh dengan sapa-sapa. cukup la ada satu kes yang hampir berjaya menggoncang hubungan aku dengan bulan (wahhh! menggoncang siot.) Itupun sebelum bertunang kot. ntah tak ingat. abaikan. tak penting pun.
lepas bertunang kena fikir pasal kahwin pulak, insyaAllah aku kahwin hujung bulan 5 tahun depan cuti sekolah. duit tak cukup lagi ni.hahaha. pening la kepala aku bila fikir duit kena keluar. macam air paip. lajuuu je bila aku buat budget. nampak macam bodoh je benda-benda nak kena beli, tapi harga diaaa..mak aihh! muntah darah aku. hari tu ada bincang dengan bulan pasal budget ni. pening wehh kepala bila fikir pasal budget. ye lah, taknak la aku melebih-lebih,kan? cousin aku suruh gi bandung, cari kad and barang-barang kat sana. kat sana banyak choice, murah pulak tu. kat sini aku pergi survey-survey dulu, semeter french lace sampai 400-500. haihhh! ingat aku ni anak warren buffet ke apa?
aku pergi bridal boutique aritu masa nak survey pakej tunang, survey sekali pakej kahwin. adalah 3 kedai aku pergi, 2 kedai aku memang dah reject. buruk gila baju-baju dia. malas nak letak nama kedai tu kat sini. lepas 3 kedai aku dah letih dah. nanti-nantilah fikir pasal kahwin.
Aku lately malas nak update blog. malas nak tulis. serius malas. padahal bukan ada kerja pun sangat. tapi memang rasa macam malas. lagi-lagi nak tulis panjang-panjang cam novel lagi.iskk..baik aku main farm town. tapi, ini tetiba aku rasa nak menulis ni. itu pun bukan pasal apa pun, saja nak suruh sesiapa yang dah bertunang atau kahwin share, apa dugaan yang korang kena masa bertunang tu? aku takut lah. =(
aku tunangan orang? LOL.



It's official.
We're engaged.


Alhamdulillah segala pujian hanya untuk-NYA.
Terima kasih ya Allah.
Terima kasih,
Terima kasih.
things happened when you least expecting it.
life is full of suprises,