
2nd Reception


First time sampai Tandop, Kedah ni.

Sukanya! Dapat kampung baru!

Ahli keluarga bertambah.
Dapat title 'mak su'.
Semoga hidup ini lebih ceria.

Special Thanks:

We would like to thank you, our close family and friends, for traveling the distance to join us in our marriage celebration. We have been blessed by your gracious love, support and friendship over the years, and look forward to its presence in the years ahead.



Our Reception @ Bachok

Hari ni resepsi.
7.30 am husband datang ambil sarapan untuk rombongan.
Sekejap lagi 8.00 am make-up artist datang.

11.00 am.
tepung tawar.
makan beradap.

dan fotography sampai 6.30 pm!

Pose! Pose! Pose!
Snap! Snap! Snap!
Flash! Flash! Flash!

penat tapi gembira.





Malam tadi akad nikah.
Sifat kelam kabut, pelupa masih ada.
Akad nikah 8.45 pm.
Siap 'bersiap' cun-cun 8.45 pm.
Make-up artist tu lambat datang.

8.45 pm naik kereta nak pergi masjid.
"IC ada?"
Ya ALLAH! tak bawak.
kakak keluar kereta pegi cari, mak keluar pergi cari.
5 minit tak jumpa lagi.
Akhirnya, si pengantin keluar jugak terkedek-kedek.
Kereta saudara-mara dah berderet di belakang.

Adoiiii. mana saya letak purse ni!
Tak jumpa! satu rumah kelam kabut.
Akhirnya maa yang jumpa.
Malam tu masak kena bebel dengan semua orang.
'Macam mana benda yang penting macam tu boleh lupa?!"
Saya memang seorang yang pelupa.

9.32 pm (18/12/2009; 1 Muharram 1431) dengan sekali lafaz selamat menjadi seorang isteri.
Sebak, gembira semua ada.
Cium maa, cium abah.
Pengalaman tu bermacam-macam rasa.
Masin, pahit, masam, tapi yang penting pengakhirannya manis.
Dah jadi ISTERI orang sekarang.

Behave. Behave.

Syukur, alhamdulillah.

Pesan saudara-mara.





Ok, leaving for Kelantan now, will be spending the nights there with the parents and relatives. Plan to do decorate the hantaran and such tonight (and will have time to enjoy keropok lekor and colek too..hehehe).

I feel calm and relaxed with a bit of agitation nagging at the side. If all goes well, insya-Allah, we’ll be married tomorrow at 8:30 pm.

We’re getting married tomorrow……now thats one phrase you don’t say everyday. Cheers!


Been busy!

The initial idea was to update every day or so on the countdown towards the days.

Heh. So much for that.

Been busy as the past few days, tying a couple of loose ends. Its been great though a bit tiring, running errands i.e driver duty, with my parents has allowed me to spend loads of quality time with them in the days running towards the big day.

It also allows me to get my feet wet (its pretty much drenched now) in the wedding preparation as I was away most days of the week for the past year


...and so the countdown begins...

I got 10 days
One for everytime I gone away
One for everytime I should have stayed...

And so the countdown begins. You know the countdown has started when you are thinking in terms of “this is my last insert activity as a bachelorette”. It starts of with big events like birthdays, Raya and narrows down to daily activities like working, watching movies, shopping, showering, eating dinner, blablabla…you get the idea.

And the more it narrows down, the more real the idea of marriage is becoming. Which is definitely not a bad thing, but the dauntingness of it all can get overwhelming. It helps that you keep busy with wedding preparations since we can only keep 7 or so things in our head at one time. And trust me, you’ll have more than 7 things in your head.

OK, so last weekend was filled with mostly sending out invites, procuring friends’ addresses over FB, text messages, family meetings on preparation before the BIG-day and guest list management.

The photographers? I am really excited about this. After much shopping around and deliberation, we decided to go with NurrStudio and Atiyya, photographers during our engagement last August. Personally, I like their style which is a mixture of artistic and standard poses. Photos are important since your wedding album is about the only thing you can show your kids long after you start showing your age. Although, I’m still nervous on how the photos will turn out (I hate buying experience goods), but lets hope for the best and smile a lot during the day.

We’re going DIY for the video though, getting snippets here and there and compiling it with a video editor. Based on my observation, wedding videos always seemed a bit too long and draggy, so it would be great to have a video with the highlights, mixed with the photos, with our favourite songs in the background. And my dear Xaty, you have to help me on this!




tiba-tiba saya pengsan.
bateri dah habis kot.
lupa nak charge.

lain kali kalau demam saya tak keluar sorang-sorang lagi.
kesian awak dgn mak ayah tiba-tibe kena datang sini.
sayang sangat awak kat saya ya?



kalau saya tak kisah pasal career development salah ke?

tak kan? kan kan kan?
kalau dalam career aspiration saya nak tulis menternak lembu pun tak salah kan?
sesetengah orang, yelah, cita-cita dia nak jadi seseorang yang besar dalam company.
tapi kalau saya sebenarnya cukuplah sekadar nak datang kerja untuk dapat gaji, untuk saya jalan-jalan satu dunia. tak salah kan?
saya bukan jenis lahap kerja.
orang selalu lupa, kita kerja untuk hidup.
untuk memenuhi keperluan.
tapi sesetengah orang dah jadikan kerja sebagai hidup.
dan berharap orang-orang sebelah , tepi , kiri kanan pun jadi macam dia.
crap lah semua ini.
boss, i am here to have fun and make money to have fun.
bukannya nak tension fikir tentang assessment dan rating.
masa tertekan dah lepas.
tu semua waktu saya belajar dulu.
sekarang masa untuk bergembira dan lupakan semua formula.
Y to the E to the A to the Y.

eh. sebulan lebih lagi saya nak kahwin.

double yeay!


marah ni!

harini saya balik kerja lambat.
saya demam. batuk. selsema.
bos suddenly nak buat performance review 19th october. urghhh.
sebelum ni dalam email 30th
geram betul!
keje ada 3 juta semuanya.
1 juta dah siap. ada lagi 2 juta.
hmm banyaknya.

*asap keluar ikut hidung
saya dah amik cuti untuk balik kg esok sampai sabtu.
ni rasa nak mengamuk ni.

korang dah puas beraya deepavali, balik-balik terus nak buat review.
saya yang cuti last week kena pergi kerja, isu saman bertimbun-timbun,
baru planning nak bercuti off day kali ni, kena datang lagi kerja.

N to the G to the E to the K
sorry, marah sikit. marah kejap je.



Salam to all.
Its definitely not too late to wish everyone Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Maaf Zahir Batin. Hope your raya was a good one. For us, bulan going back to tandop, kedah and melawat sanak-saudara in the midst of green-brown paddy fields whilst I went traditional and enjoyed raya with my family and relatives in bachok, kelantan. Also, thanks to everyone who came over during Raya, was great catching up and thanks to mom for cooking the best nasi dagang ever.
OK, so its 8 weeks to go….!!!! gile ko, 8 minggu lagi nak kahwin siot….
Getting married is not all fun & games!!!
Bulan did the running around and getting forms for approval for us to get married. Just seems odd that we need the state’s approval to get married~ so authoritarian, right? You collect the form from the Tg.Malim office (assuming you’re in Perak), go for HIV test, then submit your form to your local Penolong Pendaftar Nikah (more affectionately known as PPN) along with other supporting docos (i.e. fotostat IC,  for him to sign then go back to Tg.Malim and submit it to the office there and the desired end result is a letter that state-certifies that you are eligible to get hitched and you pass this letter to your fiancee and let her have a turn at the bureaucracy of it all.
With the date looming by so close, I do wonder, when driving/running/going to sleep, whether I am ready to get married. Bukan ape, being a wife ni is quite a daunting task with ambiguous and dynamic challenges along the way, apatah lagi nak jadi good wife ye tak? And I still feel like I’m 18 on somedays (hmmm…rase cam 16-tgh-pakai-school-uniform pun ade gak). Its also taking another role to your existing repertoire of a daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, friend, which you are still working to be good at. But at the end, I know I made the right choice so yg lain semua boleh settle la.
Lepas tu, bile tinggal dua bulan lagi, preparation sepatutnya full steam ahead la….tu yg agak serabut sikit. I think we settled most of the important stuff (with a lot of help from the families, thanks guys!) tapi ade la hantaran yg tak beli lagi (partially my fault cause I don’t know which batik to get), kasut bulan tak cari lagi, baju akad nikah tak hantar tailor lagi (this weekend) etc. I think kene buat to-do-list besar2 pas tu tampal kat fridge kat rumah. Bile dah crossout item by item baru puas hati.
Also, we should be distributing our cards soon, so keep an eye on your mailbox (real and virtual) please~.



Dah O.K balik.

Harap sangat tak K.O balik.

Sampai Syurga,



Selamat Hari Raya. Selamatkan Poket Anda. Ha-ha.

Kebanyakan orang mula dah cuti. Yang selamat sampai kampung tengah meriah buat ketupat la, cari lemang la, daun pisang la, perah santan la, kupas kentang, potong tempe, cuci daging, cabut bulu ayam, perah santan.
Ada juga yang tengah cat rumah, basuh lantai rumah, cuci tingkap, buang sawang, bersihkan kipas, lap mentol lampu, lap kerusi meja, menyapu lantai, mop lantai, tukar air akuarium, susun kasut, tukar sarung sofa, tukar lap kaki, tukar langsir baju, macam-macam kerja nak kena setelkan.
Ini jam biasanya kat dapur dah tersusun air Sarsi, Marinda pelbagai warna, 7-Up, Coke perbagai perisa, Aiskrim Soda, F&N, Root Beer, oren, macam-macam.
Kuih pula macam-macam dalam balang. Mama Carrie, Almond London, Tempeyek, Tumpi, kerepek ubi perisa kari, kuih sepit, bahulu gulung, tat nenas, sarang semut, Cornflake Madu, batang buruk, dah la. Malas nak senaraikan.
Pagi tadi aku macam tak percaya pulak Bachok ni tiba-tiba sesak. Nak pergi rumah nenek yang sekangkang katak tu (bak kata mak aku, maksudnya dekat sangat la kot) ambil masa 5 minit sahaja jadi 30 minit.
Sekarang, aku rasa macam risau pulak raya tahun ni raya terakhir sebagai seorang bujang. Hahaha. Tapi best la, ada jugak orang tersayang nak telefon malam-malam, pagi-pagi raya di kejauhan. Ye la, 23 tahun yang lepas-lepas tu mana ada orang nak calling-calling. Haih.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Cheers!
ops~ maaf zahir batin. Jemput-lah ke rumah. Banyak buat kueh raya ni. heheh..


Reasons why I wanna marry you

this is not according to correct orders :)

As according to Law of Attraction, we must have reasons as of why we want that something. So, I decide to made this list before we got married. Note that this list will go on and on and on...... ♥

YOU are my BFF (best friend forever)
YOU listens to my whine every single day
YOU accepts me and loves me
YOU knows how to make me laugh :D
YOU spends time, money and and effort when we were yet dating up until now
YOU knows the size of my finger
YOU shares stories of your day with me
YOU makes me wanna share stories of my day with you
YOU seriously has faith in me..
YOU are one of my greatest blessings from Allah
YOU are brave enough to correct my mistakes
YOU always gives me the best popcorn in the movie (the sweetest yellow popcorn)
YOU call me 'Sayang' even when you are mad at me
YOU take care of me when I'm sick
YOU take care of me when I'm not sick
YOU read me like a book (though you doesn't like reading)
YOU know how to console me
I can't even merajuk lama-lama with you (paling lama? One hour kot)
My family like you and i like your family
YOU proposed me to be your wife

what about you?



Weekend lepas,pagi-pagi pukul 8 aku kena bangun awal sebab nak kena pegi kedai, kena beli beras. Misteri kan, bulan-bulan puasa pagi-pagi aku dah cari beras? Ok, abaikan. Disebabkan kedai runcit mangkuk belum bukak jadi aku kena cari alternatif lain. Susah jugak nak cari kedai runcit yang bukak awal pagi. 7E yang kononnya 24jam tu pun takde jual beras. Sampailah aku terjumpa satu kedai alatan tulis, tapi ada jual beras. Sekali lagi, misteri gila kentang.
Aku: macha, beras ade ke?
macha: beras? that side, over there.
Aku pun menuju ke arah yang ditunjuk, tapi tak jumpa beras
Aku: dey macha, mana beras?
Macha: beras?
Aku: berasla, mana ada beras dekat sini?
Macha: beras? this is beras.
Hadoih! Rasa macam nak pangg je kasi bergegar dahi dia satu kali!
Aku: ini brush!! bukan beras la macha. i want rice! rice! rice!
Macha:ooo rice, overthere (sambil tunjuk ke arah belakang)
Kagum gila aku, kedai runcit cap-cap ayam pun dah letak macha yang terer speaking. Aku pun pegi belakang, belek-belek beras yang ada, aku nak cari beras cap jasmine, tapi yang ada cuma floral dengan cap ayam. Aku pun kasi angkat floral pek 5kg. Bawak ke kaunter.
Aku: dey macha, you can’t speak in malay eh?
Macha: hehe, yes yes (sambil hangguk kepala)
Aku: this one is floral. Don’t you have others brand..like jasmine? jati?
Macha: jasmine? jasmine? this side, here here, over here..
Cilakak punye kedai, beras yang sedap-sedap nak sorok-sorok pulak.
Macha: this is jasmine, this this, here.
PANG!! Sekali lagi rasa macam nak lempang macha tu.


Saya fikir,saya rasa.

Saya takut.
Saya takut.
Saya takut.


"Nanti saya tengok perempuan lain karang.."


Saya tahu saya tak cantik.
Saya tak ramping,langsing.
Ramai lagi perempuan cantik, menarik.
Kat luar,mungkin teruji dengan berbagai-bagai wanita.
Semuanya berhias, berwangi-wangian.
Pandangan, bau wangi.
Iman teruji.
Bukan saya tak nak berhias.
Saya rasa saya dah berhias dah.
Cuma kadang-kadang tak sempat.
Macam semalam.
Takpun masa saya sakit.
Perempuan mana la yang tak mahu nampak cantik,kan?
Tapi, saya takkan sentiasa muda.
Saya akan tua.
Dimamah usia.
Takkan selamanya kelihatan menarik.
Saya bukannya pakai susuk.
Isk.Isk.Isk. Nauzubillah.
Tapi jangan risau, tua pun saya berhias cara orang tua.
Awak tahukan saya bukannya selekeh sangat.
Awak juga kata jiwa awak sentiasa muda walau dah tua.
Kalau saya bila dah tua saya nak tumpukan sepenuh perhatian untuk beribadah, dengan Allah.
Jaga makan pakai awak, anak, cucu.
Tumpukan pada keluarga, benda lain saya dah tak fikir.


Tapi saya takut.
Saya takut.
saya takut.
Dugaan kat luar semakin hebat.
Saya yakin awak baik,tidak akan memilih jalan singkat dan jahat.
Tapi saya juga takut awak cari jalan baik… (eh, seperti poligami).
Kalau ditakdirkan-Nya, saya redha.
Saya redha.
Saya redha.
Sebab saya dah tua, tak menarik.
Awak pula, makin tua tambah segak bergaya.
Poket pun sudah tebal.
Kalau awak tak pergi, 'wanita-wanita' akan datang.
Saya takkan memberontak.
Saya tak nak suami saya tanggung dosa sebab saya penghalangnya.
Saya akan redha.
Tapi,hati saya akan hancur. Lebur.


Berhias itu ibadah bagi seorang isteri.
Jadi,tak kiralah saya telah tua ke atau masih muda,
cantik atau buruk,saya akan berhias.
Dapat pahala, walaupun tak jadi cantik, atau tak jadi muda semua.


Awak, jangan keliru antara mencari kecantikan isteri, dan isteri yang cantik.
Kecantikan isteri dan isteri yang cantik dua perkara berbeza.
(mungkin awak susah nak faham, BM awak pun..hmmm....)
Kadang-kadang saya marahkan awak,
kerana awak mencari isteri yang cantik bukan kecantikan isteri.
Nanti bila tua awak faham kot.
Nanti, pada usia-usia tua fokus awak sepatutnya lebih kepada kecantikan isteri.
Di mana kecantikan sejati saya selama ini.
Pada hati saya.
Pada jasa dan budi yang selama ini dicurahkan untuk awak demi membina sebuah keluarga.
Jangan tengok pada kulit wajah yang luntur tetapi lihat pada jasa yang ditabur.
Bukan pada matanya yang sudah kehilangan sinar, tetapi lihat pada kesetiaan yang tidak pernah pudar.
Itulah kecantikan seorang isteri walaupun mungkin saya bukan isteri yang cantik.


Tongkat ‘muhasabah diri’ vs tongkat Ali,
Pilihlah tongkat muhasabah diri.
Bila kita sedar kita telah tua nanti,
kita akan lebih serius dan lajukan pecutan hati menuju Allah!
Bukan masanya untuk berlalai-lalai lagi.
Awak tahu kisah Imam Safie.
Ketika usianya mencecah 40 tahun, dia terus memakai tongkat.
Ketika muridnya bertanya kenapa?
“Beliau berkata, aku ingatkan diriku dengan tongkat ini bahawa usiaku sudah di penghujung, bukan masanya lagi untuk berlengah, tetapi untuk menambah pecutan dalam ibadah menuju Allah.”


kalau kita seserius Imam Safie, insya-Allah, awak boleh hadapi masalah saya yang bakal tua ni.
Bila tua nanti, kita sama-sama cari kecantikan dan ketampanan yang abadi untuk sama-sama memecut jalan menuju Ilahi.
Saya yakin bila awak tetapkan hati awak begitu,
awak tidak akan lagi diganggu-gugat oleh godaan kecantikan dari luar yang menguji iman.
Awak juga tidak akan dikecewakan oleh pudarnya satu kecantikan dari dalam yang mengganggu kesetiaan.


Awak mesti fikir macam ni:
“Ya, kalau kita baik, isteripun akan baik. Bila hati baik, kita akan cantik selama-lamanya!”


Wedding's Dream

This is a general talk,about wedding’s dream.
Yes, it is a fantasy of every bride to have her own wedding dream
From that white satin, to 3 tiers cake, to that dais with full of fresh flowers
Not to mention, an invitation with embossed letter on hard cover scented paper
And a centerpiece at each table that will simply take their breath away…
Please live in your own reality world
In this downturn economic, janganlah sampai nak berhutang keliling pinggang…
Please do not argue with everyone as they have their opinion too on your weds…
and please.. Do take consideration of - WHAT IF ?
Why do i said all this?
Simply to tell bride-to-be,
Sometimes, we are not as lucky as they are to be able making our dream wedding come true!
We can always make at least some of those dreams, do come true,
By applying this principles; (and proper plan of course)
1. It is only a wedding, NOT LIFE! So, please do consider real life after marriage.
2. Please do not compare yourself with celebrity ke, artist ke, anak datuk ke even with anybody. Sometimes their wedding too not as simple and beautiful as per published.
3. “Its my Wedding, Its my Money” will not make u happy in the end. Why?, haven’t u heard blessing = berkat ? You will be happy when you see everyone happy too! And, believe me, they will be happier for you…
4. Expensive is NOT BEAUTIFUL. Please bare in mind that,NOT EVERYTHING EXPENSIVE actually BEAUTIFUL. There are much choices out there you can find beautiful stuff at way lower price. So what if they are judging you? That is all you can afford! with your very own money!
5. Most important, is YOU and HIM with LOVE.
sedang kecewa dengan Arsenal…still hate Mencester! urgh!


Let's READ (a lot!)

The first book that i read regarding marriage is “Aku terima nikahnya” from Ustz Hasrizal Abdul Jamil aka Saifulislam. For those who know me, i hardly read Malay novel because it’s hard to find a quality book nowadays. This one is bought by my office mate, and i just fell in love with its front cover, i mean, look at this~
Seriously lovers, how can you resist this, blue+pink+purple front-cover?
Let me re-call..hurm, last time i checked, the price for this book is RM 20.90. Ustaz Hasrizal promotes “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus” too many times in his book and since i couldn’t get enough of “Aku terima nikahnya”, i read this..
The price at that moment was RM 34.90. I bought this book last year. Honestly, i love this a lot! Bulan also love this book. Actually, for me this is a must have book not only for those who wants to get married, but for those in a relationship itself. It makes me realize that men and women are from a totally different world. It gives me the opportunity to understand not only my partner but also myself as a woman. I couldn’t get enough of John Gray, so next week i want to get this..
Since i have been together with bulan for a year, i think this helps a lot more from “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus”. And by reading its review alone, i know that i can’t expect our marriage to always be in a honeymoon mode. I have to read this book before i got married, therefore i have a lot of time to prepare mentally. :) Please, read this women out there! The price is RM 43.90!
I know, some might say self help is boring. Even some people can’t even afford to read a whole book, like bulan. Even the most interesting book like Catch me if you can. But, this is so worth it, i promise! I read some interesting part from the book every now and then to bulan and he was psyched to know.
Ok fine! Call me a geek.. or a bookworm.. i really don’t give a damn about it.




Give me more loving than I’ve ever had
Make me feel better when I’m feeling sad
Tell me I’m special even though I know I’m not
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
Barely getting mad
I’m so glad I found you
I love being around you
You make it easy
Its as easy as 1-2-1-2-3-4
There’s only one thing
To Do
Three words
For you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say
Those three words
That’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
Give me more loving from the very start
Piece me back together when I fall apart
Tell me things you never even tell your closest friends
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
You’re the best that I’ve had
And I’m so glad I found you
I love being around you
You make it easy
It’s easy as 1-2-1-2-3-4
There’s only one thing
To Do
Three words
For you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say
Those three words
That’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
(I love you) I love you

I really, really do dear!


bila merajuk,

ia tak dapat ditafsir,

boleh kira
kadangkala menyampah
tiada rasa apa-apa

cuma kala ini,
yang negatif itu
melebihi yang positif

sila harap ini hormonal.

tapi tetap sayang!



Our Pre-marriage course certificate! After 2 ‘exciting+boring’ days, weee~~…
Let’s take a look some snap-shoots during the course taken by bulan. heheh.
oh dear, it was very thoughtful of you. =)
Gotcha! Tido ye! Caught red-handed. (oh! nooo~)
Ada gaya best student, tak? hahhaha…
They say patient is a virtue. LOL.
Pictures taken in 25th-26th Jul 09.


Tunangan Orang

aku secara rasminya telah bertunang. korang memang kena tengok muka control malu+blushing+gatal bulan masa kat rumah aku. kiyyuttt. jari aku dah ada cincin! HAHAHAHA.
lepas jadi tunang orang, aku rasa aku penyabar sikit kot. sebab aku malas nak bergaduh benda-benda remeh. buat sakit kepala otak je. orang kata, tunang ni darah manis. banyak dugaan. aku pun tak tahu darah manis ni macam mana orang cakapkan. apa maksud dia? nyamuk suka? semut suka? XD serius aku tak tau. banyak dugaan? oh, minta dijauhkan.aku dah letih nak bergaduh dengan sapa-sapa. cukup la ada satu kes yang hampir berjaya menggoncang hubungan aku dengan bulan (wahhh! menggoncang siot.) Itupun sebelum bertunang kot. ntah tak ingat. abaikan. tak penting pun.
lepas bertunang kena fikir pasal kahwin pulak, insyaAllah aku kahwin hujung bulan 5 tahun depan cuti sekolah. duit tak cukup lagi ni.hahaha. pening la kepala aku bila fikir duit kena keluar. macam air paip. lajuuu je bila aku buat budget. nampak macam bodoh je benda-benda nak kena beli, tapi harga diaaa..mak aihh! muntah darah aku. hari tu ada bincang dengan bulan pasal budget ni. pening wehh kepala bila fikir pasal budget. ye lah, taknak la aku melebih-lebih,kan? cousin aku suruh gi bandung, cari kad and barang-barang kat sana. kat sana banyak choice, murah pulak tu. kat sini aku pergi survey-survey dulu, semeter french lace sampai 400-500. haihhh! ingat aku ni anak warren buffet ke apa?
aku pergi bridal boutique aritu masa nak survey pakej tunang, survey sekali pakej kahwin. adalah 3 kedai aku pergi, 2 kedai aku memang dah reject. buruk gila baju-baju dia. malas nak letak nama kedai tu kat sini. lepas 3 kedai aku dah letih dah. nanti-nantilah fikir pasal kahwin.
Aku lately malas nak update blog. malas nak tulis. serius malas. padahal bukan ada kerja pun sangat. tapi memang rasa macam malas. lagi-lagi nak tulis panjang-panjang cam novel lagi.iskk..baik aku main farm town. tapi, ini tetiba aku rasa nak menulis ni. itu pun bukan pasal apa pun, saja nak suruh sesiapa yang dah bertunang atau kahwin share, apa dugaan yang korang kena masa bertunang tu? aku takut lah. =(
aku tunangan orang? LOL.



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